Issue Position: Improving Public Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Education

High-quality public education is both necessary for Texas' continued economic prosperity and guaranteed in our Constitution. Unfortunately, too many people in state government view public education funding with a "whatever is left" mentality, rather than the most important investment that we can make in the future. When adequately funded, public education can lift not only families, but entire communities, out of poverty.

I have fought for several sessions to fully fund our public schools, and I will continue to be an advocate for our children, who deserve all the opportunities we can give them. Of course, funding alone doesn't ensure a successful public education system. Attention must be paid to education policy and curriculum, as the Legislature did in the 83rd session by reducing the number of high-stakes tests our students are required to take to graduate, as well as giving students more curriculum choices. Now, teachers can spend more time educating our children, not just creating good test-takers.

I have also supported legislation designed to ensure that every student is college- or career-ready when they leave high school, armed with the skills necessary to compete in the Texas of today, and the Texas of tomorrow.
